CHEO Education Videos

CME Credits for Outreach Educational Video Sessions
Physicians are eligible for CME CFPC Mainpro-M2 Category Credits (one credit per hour of activity) and Mainpro-C Category Credits by completing the “Linking Learning to Practice” criteria.(2 Mainpro-C credits for each form submitted). Log on to the Mainpro section of the CFPC website for further information.

For educational purposes CHEO has recorded staff presentations.

Emergency Health Care Videos - The following CHEO psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers share their expertise to help you provide more sensitive and compassionate mental health to patients in your emergency department.

Marjorie Robb, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Phil Rtichie, C.Psych.

Derek Puddester, MD, MEd, FRCPC

Guy Doucet, MSW, RSW

Megan Lummiss, BSW

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