
Telemedicine refers to the use of information and communication technologies to deliver and facilitate the exchange of health information, services and expertise over a distance. Telemedicine utilises videoconferencing technology in conjunction with medical instruments such as electronic stethoscopes and specialised cameras, enabling remote patient examinations. Telemedicine is about using technology to improve how patients access and how providers deliver healthcare. This technology can also be used to facilitate peer to peer consultations, case conferences, rounds and education to patients, care givers and health care professionals.

CHEO is affiliated with the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN). The OTN  links virtually all of the hospitals in Ontario together. The main objective of OTN is to bring healthcare as close to home as possible. The OTN improves access to health care services, education and expertise for patients and healthcare providers in rural communities. Being a member of the OTN allows CHEO to provide clinical services to its patients throughout the province of Ontario using videoconference technology.

CHEO has provided patient services via telemedicine in a variety of speciality areas. CHEO regularly uses telemedicine to participate in national rounds in the areas of Anaesthesia, Brain Tumour-Oncology, Cardiology, Genetics, General Surgery, Neonatology, Palliative Care and Urology. These rounds encompass pediatric specialists from across the country; telemedicine gives them a conduit to exchange knowledge and ideas. CHEO has also provided a variety of educational sessions targeting both health care professionals and patients and their families. By eliminating geographical barriers, telemedicine increases the overall effectiveness of the healthcare system. For more information on CHEO’s Telemedicine Program: contact Bryan Makara at ext. 2070.

For more information and access to the education / events calendar, see the OTN website.

Tip: Navigating OTN Site Information

  1. Click on OTN link above
  2. Click on Webcasting under the Services header
  3. Click on OTN Webcasting Centre link.
  4. Click on Archived events

The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only, as a guide to assist physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers in deciding on the appropriate care required for a particular patient. At all times, physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers must exercise their independent clinical judgment, based on their knowledge, training and experience, taking into account the specific facts and circumstances of each patient, when deciding on the appropriate course of investigation and/or treatment to recommend in a particular clinical situation.

CHEO has made every effort to ensure that the information contained on this website is as current and accurate as possible. However, changes can occur due to ongoing research and the constant influx of new information. Where possible, hospitals and healthcare practitioners should verify the information before acting on it.

Reliance on any information in this website is at the user's own risk. CHEO is not responsible or liable for any harm, loss or other consequences from the use or misuse of the information on this website.