The Mental Health Series takes place approximately 2-3 times a month. Sessions are typically 1 hour lunch-time presentations.
Register and view upcoming events here!
Once registered, you will be emailed the following details:
If connecting via OTN videoconferencing: Provide your local OTN Telemedicine Coordinator with the session details (including TSM or event #) Coordinators can call the OTN scheduling centre at 1-866-545-6861 and provide the TSM and site number for the event.
If connecting via OTN Webcasting: Connect from the comfort of your home or office computer. A few minutes before the event, go to Under Live Events, select "Private" and enter the username: PPDev2012 and password: Dev2012.
If attending in-person: For CHEO or Royal staff only, arrive 5-10 min early. Room details available here.
Certificates of attendance are offered to all participants. CME credits are available to physicians. Click here for instructions.
PowerPoint slides and videos (when available) are posted in our library of past events. Please allow one week for these to be posted.
*Please note, some are not available.
When registering you may ask advance questions. During the presentation, you may also ask questions by either typing them in (for webcast users) or unmuting your system and asking (for videoconference users).
After each session, an online evaluation will be sent to you via email. At any time, please feel free to send your comments and suggestions to
To be added to our distribution list, please click the link (below) that best applies to you.
Please add me to the distribution list: I'm a CHEO Staff or Physician
Please add me to the distribution list: I'm a Community Partner