Certificates of Attendance

Certificates of Attendance

All professional groups are offered a Certificate of Attendance.

CME Credits:
The Pediatric Telehealth Rounds has been structured to meet the accreditation criteria for a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgerons of Canada - participants may claim 1 credit per event.  Family Physicians may submit a "Linking Learning to Practice" form for 2 Mainpro-C credits or use each learning activity to claim 1 Mainpro M2 credit.  When you receive your certificate of attendance, there is a space provided to enter the number of credits earned for the session, as applicable.

How can I receive a certificate of attendance?

Disclaimer:  Please be advised that participants must complete an evaluation in order to receive professional credits and/or a certificate of attendance. 
In-person attendees:  Hard-copies of the certificate of attendance will be offered to those who attend in person and complete their evaluation.  In-person attendees are also welcome to complete their evaluation online and receive an e-version of the certificate (see below).
Videoconference & webcast attendees:  Electronic evaluations are emailed immediately following a presentation to everyone who had registered online in advance of the session.  If you did not register in advance, please send us an email or go to our website to download the link to the evaluation.  Once the online evaluation is completed, you will be able to download and print a copy of your certificate of attendance.  Evaluations must be completed within 3 days of the presentation air date; the evaluation will close after 3 days, and certificates of attendance will no longer be available.  If you experience any technical difficulties obtaining the certificate of attendance within these 3 days, please email pedtelehealthrounds@cheo.on.ca for assistance.


Contact us at pedtelehealthrounds@cheo.on.ca.

The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only, as a guide to assist physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers in deciding on the appropriate care required for a particular patient. At all times, physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers must exercise their independent clinical judgment, based on their knowledge, training and experience, taking into account the specific facts and circumstances of each patient, when deciding on the appropriate course of investigation and/or treatment to recommend in a particular clinical situation.

CHEO has made every effort to ensure that the information contained on this website is as current and accurate as possible. However, changes can occur due to ongoing research and the constant influx of new information. Where possible, hospitals and healthcare practitioners should verify the information before acting on it.

Reliance on any information in this website is at the user's own risk. CHEO is not responsible or liable for any harm, loss or other consequences from the use or misuse of the information on this website.