Neonatal Drug Therapy Manual

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Disclaimer: Official controlled document is the CHEO and Ottawa Hospital online copy. It is the responsibility of user to ensure that any paper copy version is the same as the online version before use.

Alternate Name(s): 
Prevnar 20, Vaxneuvance, Pneu-C-15, Pneu-C-20
Original Date: 
March 2005
Revised Date: 
Sept 2024
  • Routine childhood immunization
  • 0.5 mL IM
  • Can be co-administered with the following vaccines (at separate injection sites): Hepatitis B, Pediacel

Pneu-C-15 (Vaxneuvance®):

  • 6 weeks to 4 years of age (standard routine vaccination)
  • 2, 4 and 12 months of age


Pneu-C-20 (Prevnar20®):

  • 6 weeks to 4 years of age who are at increased risk* for (invasive pneumococcal disease) IPD
  • 2,4,6 and 12 months of age
Side Effects: 
  • Local: transient redness at the injection site
  • Systemic: fever (more frequently reported when co-administered with other vaccines), drowsiness, irritability
Parameters to Monitor: 
  • Injection site
  • Temperature
Reconstitution and Stability: 




  • Refrigerate until ready to use
  • *High-risk conditions include:

- Asplenia; certain immune deficiencies; HIV infection; malignant neoplasms; sickle cell disease; chronic renal, hepatic or cardiac disease; chronic neurologic conditions that impede PO secretion clearance; chronic respiratory disease** (including CLD).  Consult latest guidelines from Ottawa Public Health/ Ontario Ministry of Health for complete and updated list. 

**Use clinical judgment for chronic respiratory disease eligibility, prior to formal diagnosis. May revert back to Pneu-C-15 (Vaxneuvance®) for the remainder of the series if the infant ends up not meeting criteria


- Publicly Funded Immunization Schedule for Ontario.  Ontario MOH Immunization Schedules 2024

- Chen J, Lau E (editors). Drug Handbook and Formulary. The Hospital for Sick Children.Toronto: Department of Pharmacy; 2017-2018


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