- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (prophylaxis and treatment)
- Intratracheal instillation
- BLES should be warmed to at least room temperature, but not higher than 37°C before being administered
- See policies and procedures on BLES
- Each dose should be administered in -2 aliquots
- 5 mL/kg/dose
- As many as 3 subsequent doses can be given within the first 5 days of life (max. of 4 doses)
- For extremely unstable infants (especially persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn), 2.5 mL/kg should be given initially. The remaining 2.5 mL/kg should be given immediately after if the first-half dose has been well tolerated
- CVS: vasoconstriction, hypo or hypertension
- Respiratory: apnea, endotracheal tube blockage
- During the dosing procedure, transient episodes of bradycardia and decreased oxygen saturation have been reported. If these occur, the dosing procedure should be stopped and resumed after stabilization
- HR
- Blood gas,
- Chest expansion, air entry, colour, oxygen saturation
- Store vials in cartons or in UV bags in freezer until ready for use. Unopened vials warmed to room temperature for less than 6 hours may be returned to its previous storage condition for a maximum of 2 times. Thawed vials may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 10 months within the labelled expiry date before discarding.
- Discard opened vials. Single Use Only.
- If a precipitate is evident at room temperature, gently swirl the vial until homogenous; if unable to suspend to homogeneity, discard the vial.
- BLES (bovine lipid extract surfactant) Product Monograph. BLES Biochemicals Inc. London, Ontario, Canada August 2010.